Cleve Moler
Author of 20 CRAN packages
Cleve Moler has put out 20 packages—clearly, they're unstoppable. Keep those packages coming! Cleve Moler worked with over 130 collaborators. That's a huge group of developers—almost like a coding festival!
20 Packages
- BFpackFlexible Bayes Factor Testing of Scientific Expectations
- BTSRBounded Time Series Regression
- KernSmoothFunctions for Kernel Smoothing Supporting Wand & Jones (1995)
- MSCMTMultivariate Synthetic Control Method Using Time Series
- OBsMDObjective Bayesian Model Discrimination in Follow-Up Designs
- RbeastBayesian Change-Point Detection and Time Series Decomposition
- VGAMVector Generalized Linear and Additive Models
- assistA Suite of R Functions Implementing Spline Smoothing Techniques
- deSolveSolvers for Initial Value Problems of Differential Equations ('ODE', 'DAE', 'DDE')
- geeGeneralized Estimation Equation Solver
- limSolveSolving Linear Inverse Models
- logsplineRoutines for Logspline Density Estimation
- monomvnEstimation for MVN and Student-t Data with Monotone Missingness
- multimarkCapture-Mark-Recapture Analysis using Multiple Non-Invasive Marks
- polsplinePolynomial Spline Routines
- quadprogFunctions to Solve Quadratic Programming Problems
- quantregQuantile Regression
- rootSolveNonlinear Root Finding, Equilibrium and Steady-State Analysis of Ordinary Differential Equations
- rxode2Facilities for Simulating from ODE-Based Models
- tgcdThermoluminescence Glow Curve Deconvolution
- Joris Mulder
- Caspar van Lissa
- Donald R. Williams
- Xin Gu
- Anton Olsson-Collentine
- Florian Boeing-Messing
- Jean-Paul Fox
- Janosch Menke
- Robbie van Aert
- Barry Brown
- James Lovato
- Kathy Russell
- Lapack 3.8
- Jack Dongarra
- Jim Bunch
- Gilbert Stewart
- John Burkandt
- Ashwith Rego
- Alexander Godunov
- Alan Miller
- Jean-Pierre Moreau
- The R Core Team
- Taiane Schaedler Prass
- Jorge Nocedal
- Guilherme Pumi
- Fábio Mariano Bayer
- Jack Joseph Dongarra
- Gilbert Wright Stewart
- Ciyou Zhu
- Richard H. Byrd
- Jose Luis Morales
- Peihuang Lu-Chen
- John Burkardt
- B.E. Schneider
- Alfred H. Morris
- D.E. Shaw
- Robert W.M. Wedderburn
- Jason Blevins
- Brian Wichman
- David Hill
- Hiroshi Takano
- George Marsaglia
- Jean-Michel Brankart
- Steve Kifowit
- Donald E. Knuth
- Catherine Loader
- Brian Ripley
- Matt Wand
- Karline Soetaert
- Martin Becker
- Stefan Klößner
- R.J. Hanson
- K.H. Haskell
- LAPACK authors
- Marta Nai Ruscone
- Laura Deldossi
- Kaiguang Zhao
- Yang Li
- Tongxi Hu
- Xuesong Zhang
- Thomas Yee
- Yuedong Wang
- Chunlei Ke
- Thomas Petzoldt
- Ernst Hairer
- R. Woodrow Setzer
- Peter N. Brown
- George D. Byrne
- Alan C. Hindmarsh
- Linda R. Petzold
- Youcef Saad
- Clement W. Ulrich
- Vincent J Carey
- Thomas S Lumley
- Dick van Oevelen
- Karel Van den Meersche
- Charles L. Lawson
- Richard J. Hanson
- Charles Kooperberg
- Berwin A. Turlach
- Robert B. Gramacy
- Brett T. McClintock
- Acho Arnold
- Arjun Gopalaswamy
- Andreas Weingessel
- Achim Zeileis
- Martin Maechler
- Ivan Fernandez-Val
- Roger Koenker
- Stephen Portnoy
- Victor Chernozhukov
- Blaise Melly
- Pin Tian Ng
- Yousef Saad
- Philip Grosjean
- Brian D Ripley
- S.C. Eisenstat
- Michel Lang
- Bill Denney
- Omar Elashkar
- Kevin Ushey
- Hadley Wickham
- David Cooley
- Drew Schmidt
- Matteo Fasiolo
- Matthew L. Fidler
- Matt Dowle
- Gerhard Wanner
- Arun Srinivasan
- Wenping Wang
- Gabriel Staples
- Simon Frost
- Roger B. Sidje
- Alan Hindmarsh
- Awad H. Al-Mohy
- Goro Fuji
- Igor Kushnir
- Linda Petzold
- Melissa Hallow
- Morwenn
- Nicholas J. Higham
- Richard Upton
- Yu Feng
- Zufar Mulyukov
- Jun Peng
- Jorge More
- Burton Garbow
- Kenneth Hillstrom
- Andrew Horchler
- William Cody